It’s that time of year again. Most of us are winding down at work or slowing down with our job search efforts. We’ve pre-accepted those extra 5lbs of baggage from Christmas 2012 and made promises that those and 10lbs more will be gone by Easter. In the back of our minds we are already making the eternal, reusable list of New Year’s resolutions “that we never keep”.
Sound familiar? Then isn’t it about time, “providing of course we survive the Mayan Prophecy and do actually make it to 2013” you made an achievable, realistic list of resolutions that could change your life for ever by landing yourself that dream job.
Finding a new job can be one of the most stressful times in our lives, but it doesn’t have to be. Make life easier for yourself and consider the resolutions listed below to be the fine print in a contract with yourself. This contract is to give your job search a fresh purpose and meaning. Take control of your future, empower yourself and give yourself the best shot of landing your dream job this year.
Decide now what job you want next. Start figuring out what the path there will look like. By working backward from your goal, you can figure out what you need to do now to be well positioned to land your dream job.
Potential employers are just as likely to check applicants’ Facebook pages and Twitter feeds as they are to review their web-based portfolios and LinkedIn profiles? A sloppy profile on Linked In, or one that is incomplete, is unlikely to win fans or even show up in a search. Spend some time writing your summary. Describe past employment experiences using the terms hiring managers in your field are likely to search. Include your education and specialties. Add a professional photo. And request recommendations from former coworkers and supervisors who can vouch for your value. If you’ve posted questionable photos or spent time ranting about your last boss, politics, religion or unemployment, remove the evidence. Then conduct yourself online as though a future boss is watching – he may very well be.
Take a selective approach when sending out CV’s. Don’t turn your CV into spam. Figure out exactly the type of job you want, the duties you’d enjoy and the industry in which you’d like to work. If you are unsure of which specific companies require people with your particular skill set, why not register with a reputable recruitment company “may I suggest us”. Our professional consultants can guide and support you through the recruitment maize whilst maintaining the integrity of all parties involved.
Determine your true market value based on your education, skills and experience. Other factors to consider are economic climate, your particular industry, position and desired geographic location. This is important information to have at hand when it comes to discussing your salary. A professional consultant can definitely provide you with guidance when it comes to determining your market value.
One of the most important resolutions you can make is to believe in yourself and believe in what you have to offer. Maintain a positive attitude and learn to recognise your potential. Don’t be afraid to highlight and share your talents to the world.
Joe Robbins is co-founder of CareerWise Recruitment. A graduate of the University of Limerick (Degree in Business Studies, 1985), Joe worked in the UK for five years where he specialised in materials management, production management and plant management for a number of companies.
He returned to Ireland in 1992 to become Operations Manager for a Cork-based start-up, FMC Automotive Division which was subsequently taken over by Snap-on Equipment. Joe managed the business re-location of this company to Shannon in 1997 before setting up CareerWise Recruitment in 1999.
He is a committee member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Mid-West region, and a former Director and Vice President of the Shannon Chamber of Commerce. Joe is former Chairperson of the Sixmilebridge Camogie Club and current Chairperson of the Clare County Camogie Board.
CareerWise Recruitment. EastGate Village, EastGate, Little Island, Cork.
Phone: +353 (0) 21 206 1900