Nowadays, our youth seek independence like we did. However, they face ever increasing rent and house prices which in turn cripples their ability to buy a property without assistance from the parents.
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Where are all our youth going?

We hear daily on the news and social media about the price of housing, rent, the increase in the cost of fuel and in general the cost of living. We know how it affects us individually, but how is it affecting the young and well educated Irish?

Those of us old enough can remember that a house was nearly a right we had and financially it was possible for us to achieve that goal, some of us when we were as young as 20 years of age!

Nowadays, our youth seek independence like we did. However, they face ever increasing rent and house prices which in turn cripples their ability to buy a property without assistance from the parents.

Surely, a solid technical level 8 degree and a fantastic 4 years’ experience in a top industry in Ireland would have a 26/27-year-olds all set to take the first step on the ladder? WRONG!!

We are forcing our well-educated talent out of their birth country to countries who will welcome them and can offer better housing, health, and an ability to prosper in a multinational culture.

Employers are only starting to feel the movement now, and to replace them causes so much movement in the market. 12 months down the road, our government will have to start coaxing people back again…. this time at least 70% will not be returning anytime soon.

In order for our companies to continue to supply to the worldwide customer base, visa applications from other countries will go through the roof.  These applications are not something that has not even begun yet. The complete lack of SUCCESSFUL VISA applications into Ireland and the length it takes to approve will provide an obvious void in the marketplace, thus pushing up salaries.

Now is the time to have this discussion with Government and employment groups, because it is already happening in every industry. If it is not addressed soon it will stifle GDP growth and will hamper exceptional efforts by the IDA to entice people into our country.

Cork Office

CareerWise Recruitment. EastGate Village, EastGate, Little Island, Cork.

Phone: +353 (0) 21 206 1900
