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CareerWise Timesheet Portal


So what are the benefits of using the CareerWise Time Sheet Portal?

  • With the CareerWise Time sheet Portal the entire process is completely automated and streamlined in one secure platform.
  • Both contractors and clients log on to a secure portal where they can easily create new time sheets or confirm submissions.
  • The software communicates live data using a web service with the CareerWise ATS RDB database so there are no imports or exports, just instant updates as they happen in real time.
  • The system allows better visibility for clients and contractors to the time sheet approval process.
  • It removes physical paper work, and significantly increases efficiency.
  • Historic data stored and easily recalled for reporting purposes.
  • Approval signatures are electronic and secure (password protected).
  • The system will generate automated emails to remind individuals of due time sheets and keep them up to date as to where their submissions are in the approval process. For example, “Your Timesheet has been approved”.
  • Contractor expenses can be submitted and approved (including electronic attachment of receipts).
  • Allows an increase in volume processing for no additional administration.
    It allows CareerWise to offer our clients a higher level of service without an increase in headcount and administration.
  • It is secure.
  • Clients can have multiple authorised approvers, covering annual leave etc.

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Online Timesheets

Contractors, use our online timesheet to log your hours.

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Cork Office

CareerWise Recruitment. EastGate Village, EastGate, Little Island, Cork.

Phone: +353 (0) 21 206 1900
