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Five questions for jobseekers about hybrid jobs

hybrid jobThe covid-19 pandemic has changed the working world more than anyone could have anticipated. The sudden instigation of working from home during lockdowns has led many employees to the realisation that their roles could be much more flexible. Many are keen to retain this flexibility as the world returns to normal, hoping to gain a better work-life balance, but still spend a few days in the office in order to maintain their working relationships. Employers, seeing that remote working has functioned well, are generally open to adopting hybrid systems. At CareerWise, we are experts in all aspects of the professional world. Here are our top tips for questions that jobseekers should ask about hybrid jobs.

Am I able to set my own in-office / at-home schedule?

While the idea of hybrid working sounds appealing, it needs to be flexible in order to suit everyone. Your home circumstances will dictate what works for you. If you have roommates, a noisy house, and no dedicated working area, you may find that you prefer to work in the office more frequently, and need to make sure that option is available to you. Perhaps your role requires a lot of collaboration, and you would find it easier to work in a shared space alongside your colleagues. Conversely, you could feel that you will work much better without the stress of a commute, and are hoping to only attend the office for essential meetings. Make sure you are clear on what hybrid means in the context of your role.

Am I able to set my own hours?

Some companies advertise hybrid roles but are only flexible on location and have less adaptability when it comes to the specific hours worked. If you have caring responsibilities, or you are hoping to be able to work around a specific task such as school pick-ups, check that your hybrid schedule would actually allow this. Perhaps you do your best work in the evening or very early in the morning. Check how your hours will be logged, and what the rules will be. Some companies require set hours of attendance; some are very happy for you to work whenever suits, so long as you get the work done promptly. 

Will I be required to schedule my in-office / at-home hours ahead of time?

For some, this would be no problem. But for those looking for a truly adaptable routine, the need to plan perhaps weeks ahead might be more of a barrier. Often, companies will need the predictability of set days in or out of the office, in order to utilise their facilities properly.

If I need to come in at short notice, will there be a space for me to work?

Related to the previous point, it is good to know just how fixed things are. Especially if the role requires access to site-specific facilities or records, without which you will be unable to perform your duties.

Will someone else be using my office space when I am not there?

For some, this won’t present an issue. But for many, their desk is an important focus of their working world, and they would prefer to keep it exclusive and private. Some people struggle to concentrate when working from home, and if they felt they needed that office space to be exclusively theirs, they might decide to work more hours in the office. 

What is the company policy for fostering connections within remote working teams?

One of the hardest things about remote working, especially if you are new to a role, is developing relationships with your team. It can be difficult to work closely with people who you do not have a chance to get to know. In an increasingly remote world, companies are adopting specific strategies to counter employee isolation and create a welcoming community atmosphere.

What help is the company giving to employees who need to equip a homeworking space?

Even if you are not in the office, a company has an obligation to ensure you are able to perform the role they are employing you to do. Many organisations will have a fund to help workers purchase essential equipment for home office supplies, or can possibly provide a stipend to pay for the extra utilities costs incurred through working from home. 

Are You Looking For A Hybrid Job In Ireland?

CareerWise is Ireland’s leading specialist recruitment firm, based in Cork, Shannon, Galway, Mayo and Dublin and we can help you to find your ideal new job in Ireland. Many of our roles feature a hybrid element. We specialise in the Engineering, Supply Chain, Science/Pharma, IT and Accounting industries in Ireland, and we look forward to working with you. Contact us online now or call us on +353 (0) 21 206 1900 to arrange a consultation.


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