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How to Cope with Job Loss during Covid 19

The global pandemic has had repercussions in all areas of life. The working world is one the hardest hit, as unemployment rises rapidly. With daily life far from normal in all aspects, it is a particularly tough time to be dealing with a job loss. At Careerwise, we are experts in helping candidates find new roles, and easing them through the job search process. Here is our guide for how to cope with job loss during Covid 19.


Allow yourself to grieve

While you may be feeling the pressure to jump into whatever new job you can find, it is vitally important to maintain your mental health at this stressful time. You are probably worrying about supporting your family and managing your financial commitments, and the situation can feel overwhelming. It is perfectly normal to be feeling scared, sad, and angry. It is important to acknowledge these emotions. Losing a job can feel like you have also lost an identity and lifestyle. Give yourself a chance to process what has happened. Only then will you be able to refocus, make a clear assessment of your skills, and start a well organised job hunt.

Focus on what you can control

One of the most overwhelming feelings can be the sense of everything spiralling out of control. But while you cannot change the pandemic or the state of the job market, you can still assess your personal position, and take charge of it. Financial worries will be the most pressing concern for many; here, you can sit down and write yourself a budget. Consider areas where you can reduce spending, and what savings you have at your disposal. Research the help that may be available to you in terms of benefits and covid specific assistance. Try and keep your focus on your own small, manageable world, rather than getting overwhelmed by the drama of world news.

Maintain a daily routine

It can feel tempting to spend all day in bed, but it will only leave you feeling frustrated with your lack of progress. A little self discipline can make you a lot more productive, which in turn can help you feel more hopeful about the future. Maintaining a regular routine can help to regulate your mood and ward off negative emotions, giving you a sense of normality that will keep you calm. Rather than struggling to fill your time, structure will provide you with a framework for getting back on your feet. Remember to include self care elements in your day – it might feel pointless to get up at a set time, get showered and dress in clean clothes, but it will boost your morale and self confidence.


When creating your schedule, make sure you include time to exercise. Getting fitter will provide you with a sense of achievement and focus, whilst releasing endorphins that will make you feel good. Exercise doesn’t have to involve expensive gym memberships – there are many types of workout you can do from home, perhaps with the aid of a YouTube video. Getting outside for a walk or run, especially if you can go to a natural environment, is a sure way to boost your mood and overall health.

Don’t drink too much

It can be tempting to drown your sorrows when experiencing a stressful time. But remember that alcohol is a depressant, and can deplete serotonin levels, which can cause depression. Sleeplessness, anxiety, and reduced energy levels are all potential effects – making it harder for you to get back on your feet.

Set limits on your job search

Make sure you build breaks into your job hunt schedule. Your search will be more efficient if you feel fresh and ready each time you tackle an application. Perhaps take up a new hobby, and provide yourself with a welcome distraction.


Losing a job is always tough, and the pandemic has changed the recruitment landscape dramatically. But with a little focus and determination, you can soon bring yourself back into a role you love.


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