We would like to say a huge congratulations to our very own Joe Robbins (Director, CareerWise Recruitment) on his recent appointment to Chairman of the Shannon Golf Club.
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Joe Robbins Appointed Chairman of Shannon Golf Club

We would like to say a huge congratulations to our very own Joe Robbins (Director, CareerWise Recruitment) on his recent appointment of Chairman at the Shannon Golf Club. This is a great honour and recognition for Joe, who has been a loyal and active member of the club for many years.

Joe brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise, as well as a vision for the future of the club. He has quickly initiated several innovative and beneficial projects for the club, showing his commitment and vision. We are confident that Joe will be a dynamic and effective leader who will bring positive changes and opportunities for the club members.

Joe succeeds Neil O’Brien as the new Chairman of the board, following Neil’s remarkable tenure of six years in the role. Neil was instrumental in driving the club forward and leaves a lasting legacy.

All of us at CareerWise would like to wish Joe the very best in his new role.

Joe Robbins Chairman




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