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Top advantages of using a recruitment agency

The number of recruitment agencies in Ireland has increased over the past number of years.

More and more companies are relying on the expertise of a recruitment agency to source hard to find talent as recruiting in-house often doesn’t make for a wise investment of resources.  Knowing when and how to use them effectively can not only reduce the stress of recruiting, it can help you guarantee a long-term hire.

The good and the not so good

Like all industries there are the reputable/good agencies, and then, of course, the not so good agencies. Many people fail to realise that not using a reputable agency such as CareerWise Recruitment may result in you not being well represented. By engaging with a recruitment agency that understands your industry and they will offer industry-specific knowledge of market trends, salary levels and the skills required to be successful in your industry.

The agency/candidate relationship works both ways, most job seekers have their preferred recruiter or recruitment agency that they rely on to keep them up to date with the latest vacancies and industry news. On the opposite side recruitment agencies have their preferred candidates whom they build a lasting relationship with and rely on for referrals and insider industry news.


Here are my top advantages to using a reputable recruitment agency;

For the candidate

  • A recruitment agency can give you a head start because they know a lot of inside  information about hiring companies.
  • They can give insights and information at the right time on for instance the culture of the company, the team and what the job entails beyond the details described in the vacancy, thus better preparing you for an interview.
  • The agency will have multiple roles and clients that may interest you.
  • The agency will have a dedicated team or consultant that specialises in your sector.
  • The agency will have a good working relationship with a number of clients that allows them to send the client your profile for review, it’s in their interest to speak on your behalf and get you in front of HR or a hiring manager.
  • The agency will sell your experience and profile to the client.

For the employer

  • Choosing to use a productive, specialist agency can save you time and money and provides the benefits of an expert in your corner.
  • A good agency will scour the market for the very best talent to fill your vacancies and will have a clear understanding of your hiring needs.
  • You will receive a number of suitably qualified candidates. Instead of receiving 100’s of applications directly, you will receive 3 – 5 suitably qualified candidates which saves you having to review and reply to each application, you have the time to focus on reviewing the excellent CV’s provided by the agency.
  • Your dedicated agency consultant will have spoken and more than likely have met with this candidate already. You will receive the candidates CV, profile, salary expectations, notice period, availability for interview and of course a genuine endorsement from a qualified professional.
  • You can be safe in the knowledge that the agency will prep the candidate for interview and provide them with knowledge of your company and industry.

    Conor Twomey

    Article by Conor Twomey (Contract Recruitment Manager)


This is based on the experiences and policies of CareerWise Recruitment and in no way endorses or speaks for other recruitment agencies. In publishing this article, you may be under the impression that ALL agencies are like this, therefore CareerWise Recruitment accepts no responsibility for any poor service provided by an agency that is not Careerwise Recruitment!

Cork Office

CareerWise Recruitment. EastGate Village, EastGate, Little Island, Cork.

Phone: +353 (0) 21 206 1900
